Moving along. Got the deck re-cored, prepped the core and deck for glass, laid up 3 layers of 1708 biax and two layers of 8 oz mat. Down the center seam of the foredeck I added 3 layers of carbon unidirectional cloth and 3 layers of 1708 to stiffen things up there a bit. After all that was done I took an air file and and knocked down all the highs. I had the kids help me on Father's Day and we mudded the whole thing with 407. Tonight I plan to spend some quality time with my air file.

Name:  2015-06-18 19.07.39.jpg
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Name:  2015-06-18 19.07.51.jpg
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Name:  2015-06-18 19.09.51.jpg
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Name:  2015-06-22 14.19.27.jpg
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Name:  2015-06-22 14.19.40.jpg
Views: 5397
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