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Thread: C-025 Bisquit

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  1. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    San Rafael, CA

    fantastic photos

    of an ugly truth

    Chinese proverb:
    "To hear something a hundred times isn't better than seeing it once."
    Or twice, as Mike shows. May the sun always be out of your eyes

    Can't help adding:
    Instead of washers under the nuts underneath the tiller, I had a piece of 1/8" everdur
    (stainless plate here would be OK) and shaped it to hopefully do a little double duty.

    We have to skinny down the butt of the tiller to make it fit in the tillerhead channel.
    So It ended up that the 'washer plate' is only 1" wide. And 6.5 inches long -- which
    extends it beyond the end of the channel. Backup-plate is shaped a bit like a tongue!

    My reasoning is that damage to the tiller is usually bearing/falling down suddenly on it.
    And maybe adding the bit of overhang (no extra fastening like a screw) at the lever
    breakpoint may support, add a little resist. Plate weighs very little.

    Occurs to me, if you agree that this narrow plate rather then the usual washers is an
    improvement... that it could be extended further out and thru fastened with smaller
    diameter machine screws,
    to keep the tiller intact for at least a couple serious downers.
    Have to assume, even when the lams are glued well, they are held under tension, and
    still want to straighten. 2 or 3 small MS will add refusal to lam movement.
    And incidentally, mechanically tie the tension side to the compressed.

    I have the short version now. But if I clone, and find the time to make an essential
    metal 'lamination', what? maybe, 10 or 12 inches long. 2 or 3 #12MS. Attempting to
    erase the breakpoint of our vulnerable and valuable cockpit companion.
    (Spare tiller can be a straight piece of white oak, already fitted to the channel, and
    a couple of Lanocoted screw C clamps -- to get you home.)

    Realize, that a counter argument is that a breakable tiller saves damage to the
    irreplaceable tillerhead and shafthead. The unthinkable would be much harder to fix.
    It's also good to have a spare tiller, fitted and predrilled for the bolts,. with bolts.

    304/316 stainless may react to tannins in oak,. must be isolated.

    ??imco -- it's all for fun
    Last edited by ebb; 04-10-2017 at 04:38 PM.

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