Cozy! The Dawg is looking awesome as always.
Cozy! The Dawg is looking awesome as always.
Totoro (Sea Sprite 23 #626)
She doesn't look so hot at the moment! Companionway and hatchrails removed, rubrail removed, topsides paint repairs half done, garboard drain in process. Most of those projects / re-installs are at a bit of standstill waiting for the temp in the warehouse to get above 40* (it's been more like 20*.) Things don't seem to cure below 40*+. Windows are installed, but I'm waiting for a warm up to install the butyl. It'll all come to a head in a couple weeks. I have a huge spreadsheet of projects, materials, and tools to throw in the trunk before each trip to the warehouse for slices of projects. Kyle Williams "Master of the Obvious", but varnishing from bare wood is a time consuming process. The hatch brightwork all looks nice though and was long overdue.
C-65 Lucky Dawg
Very nice ! send me that template so I can save some time please!! I've wanted to do this also every since I saw mikes job. Just makes sense.
Commander 5
That is a beautiful area up there. I used to deerhunt outside of Florence Wisconsin along the Pine river and traveled home one summer I was up there north through the U.P. And then across the Mackinaw bridge down through Michigan to get home. all the salmon smokehouses along the top of the lake were cool and I saw the Canada border crossing station. Closest I've ever been to Canada.
Commander 5
Hey Paul,
Do you mean the template for the chain locker cover or the portlights? Pretty sure I still have the template for the the locker in cardboard and 1/8 luan. PM your address and I'll look into sending it to you. The portlight template is rented from Newfound Metals. Info on the portlights is here -
C-65 Lucky Dawg
Oh so close! 1) touch up deck paint on rails, 2) reinstall handrails and deck organizers, 3) install rubrail 4) launch 5/29??
C-65 Lucky Dawg
Looks like the Dawg is going to launch about the same time as Destiny. She is looking good! What rub rail are you going to use?
A man can succeed at almost anything for which he has unlimited enthusiam.
Same as you, I think - Eagle molding with the original rail and those Taco end caps. Boot stripe, bottom paint and buffed the snot out of her top sides yesterday. Tick tock!
Last edited by Lucky Dawg; 06-04-2015 at 09:24 PM.
C-65 Lucky Dawg
Spit shined and ready to splash. She has a date for 8AM Monday 6/8. Hard to see the rub rail in the picture, but I am very pleased with it. Lots of work, but it looks great. That is a challenging one-person job!
Here is the accomplished winter list: (BTW - Lucky Dawg took a beating over the last season with a storm breaking her dock lines one night - chaos ensuing.... Hence "damage" references below)
Install new, opening Newfound Metals windows
Install Garboard Drain
Fabricate Chain locker cover
Refinish companionway, hatch boards
Repair damaged topsides
Repair damaged toe rail / deck paint
Repair damaged aft chocks
Refurbish stainless rub rail
Install Eagle molding under stainless rub rail
Reinstall cabin top grab rails
Install Whale Urchin manual bilge pump
Replace interior cushion fabric
Upgrade to all-rope halyards
Install mast plate, deck organizers, mast blocks, cam cleat
Repair cockpit cushion wear
Fabricate hatch board bag
Reinstall fwd hatch gasket
Replace tiller head bushing
Repaint boot stripe / Bottom Paint
Replace gas line
New dock lines with leather chafe wraps and snubbers
As I have told scores of people: "If you don't enjoy this kind of work, don't buy a 50 year old boat!" Hard work, but lots of satisfaction!
I'll take some pictures Monday outside of the warehouse. Should be a better representation of the old girl.
Last edited by Lucky Dawg; 06-07-2015 at 07:57 PM.
C-65 Lucky Dawg
Looking good Kyle!
Yes the rub rail is a challenging one person job. I tied sections of it up so they would hang approx. in place and installed from one end working to the other. But very time consuming and slow work. But in my opinion very much worth it.
Fix on and then sail on Kyle!
A man can succeed at almost anything for which he has unlimited enthusiam.
Enjoy all your hard work!
Totoro (Sea Sprite 23 #626)
I know there is nothing earth-shattering here, but I like these handy milk crate adaptations. Had some 1/8" luan ply and varnished the pieces to make shiny bottoms for these storage crates.
C-65 Lucky Dawg
Lucky Dawg is back! A couple shots from today - launch this AM, and a nice sail this afternoon. Sunny day with steady 12kts on Muskegon Lake. A fat fog bank kept us there - Lake Michigan was pea soup thick in fog. Uber chilly water from our frigid-er than average winter + warm air = frequent fog banks....
Pix below: in the travelift, stepping the mast, secured in her slip.
C-65 Lucky Dawg