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Thread: Commander 147

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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    San Rafael, CA
    Beautiful work, Jerry!
    Sweet use of space and pull-outs.
    Especially the see-thru drawer!
    There's a lot of unseen work doing that.
    And your glowing art-deco stack bracing the bulkheading is a great touch!

    The blue counter top looks cool - could be formica, looks right.

    Looking at those fancy brand new COAMINGS:
    Happen to be watching daytime TV, Woodwrights Shop, I think.
    Saw a neat tip there on a good way to pare down plugs in screw holes with your low angle plane.
    Something I tried years ago with total disaster.
    [Now, I knock the tall stuff of the plug off with a sharp chisel, high enough so that the slant of the break shows which way the grain goes.
    Then pare the stub down flush with the chisel from the short side of the break which is always an angle - still sometimes gouging the work.]

    I think he used a plug saw of some sort - that doesn't mark the work - to cut the plug short but still above the surface of the work.

    The tip is to stick blue tape about 1/2" in on the bottom along both sides of the mouth on the low angle plane.
    He showed pieces maybe about 2 1/2" long.
    Thereby raising the plane the thickness of the tape off the work, so that only the plug is engaged when moving the plane over the work.
    The tape also covers the corners of the blade in the mouth so that if you press down unevenly, the corners won't gouge the surface.
    Of course the woodwright's iron was obviously sharp and he had a lite touch.

    .....You know this trick, but maybe someone else didn't
    Last edited by ebb; 12-24-2012 at 12:11 AM.

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