The info is as follows:

The company is J.M. Reineck & Son

The contact is Jim Reineck

The work # is 781-925-3312
The fax # is 781-925-8984

Email is (I don't think it works.)

I think the website is it looks like it has not
been updated in a while.

The address is 9 Willow Street
Hull, MA 02045-1121

Best method of contact is call the work # you will hit an answering machine
leave your name address and tell him you want a catalog. It took me a couple of weeks to get so don't become worried if it isn't in three days.

There is something else I would like to mention the lights Stern and Port and
Starboard Side Lights are not inexpensive!! They are $125.00 a piece.

I want to get them because if they fit or if holes or have to be modified a bit
they still look more authentic and closer to the originals, but using more modern techniques. My bulbs are are all dead. I am replacing with Leds they have some at West Marine for Bayonet Sockets. and there is a website I think that is what it is but check it in google. Best of Both worlds you know and god knows we could use less maintenance!!!