"As if this were not enough, or should I say, because of all this, I had a heart attack while at the marina. The 000 call (that’s our emergency number) brought an ambulance which took me straight into Gladstone hospital. From there I was taken to Brisbane for surgery to clear a serious blockage and have a stent inserted. If UHURU had been ready to sail to the Swains, I would have certainly died out there.

"I'm now recovering a bit and have the go ahead to drive and do “light air sailing,” so me and my mate will be getting back to UHURU next week and try to solve some of her problems. There are still sail track and winches to fit and hopefully I can get UHURU out of that expensive marina pen without killing myself. On a positive note, the sailmaker says everything will be finished by the end of the week. And to make up for his "stuff up," he will fit lazy jacks and a boom bag into which the sail just drops."