Good layups on your rudders, Dave.

I was appalled at the weight of the clam shell! If I didn't have so much time and money into it I would do a second one. After 338 is sailing we shall be very critical. Is it not obvious:

The rudder knows only that it sits in the shoe 3/4" and is 3/4" diameter there. The rudder knows that halfway up the keel the shaft is, let's say, half round where the gudgeon strap is located. It knows it is 1" D, with a key way, at the tiller head.

Everywhere else in its 7 feet the rudder can be anything it wants. As long as it stays within the design parameters. Some great modern materials and methods open up some exciting possibilities.

There are a number of successful rudder rebuilds. remakes, remodels, refits recorded here. To be better than the simple and direct original the innovative rudder has to be something else. Well. different, anyway. The take apart idea keeps the synapses sinning and snapping in the internal cafe at the edge of the univers.

Season's changing, it's epoxy time again.