Holy Hot Tomale! There's lots of really good stuff goin' on out there in CA. (Unfortunately none of it has to do with the 'gubinatorial' race-Coleman all the way, right? Finish your boat fast.)
As always you have first-class work all the way on 338. Love the outboard well. It looks 'wet' to me but hey I lack ALOT of experience when it comes to sailing these boats. Did you scrap the aft cockpit scuppers or am I not really seeing what I think I'm seeing? We'll be watching the propane locker ever so closely as I'm trying to find a place to put them on 113. I was thinking a small locker forward because even with a pretty good heel the drain vent would still be above the waterline though I don't anticipate being on any tack for several days at a time and it would mean a longer run of supply hose inside the cabin(think propain not propane). I don't want to put one topside because no matter what they look footlockers lashed to the deck and besides that's where the genset and A/C belong. Port cockpit locker has a smaller rectangular access cut into the floor. What has Ebb planned for that bugger? Quarter berth, fantastico! Even the remainder of the aft bulkhead looks comfortable. And finally, how 'bout that mast step! I think I'll have to add one of those to our order.
I'm jealous Ebb, tell us what's what! It's so humid here the tyvek sticks like a wet suit and restrict your movements. I've given up trying untill we get cooler, drier air. Tony G