"No Eyes" is Chance's old boat Ceili. She now has the beautiful lights installed that Chance had bought for her. They were a different dimension so needed to be glassed up and recut when they painted her decks. She was only blind for a year. Rumor has it she will get her freeboard painted and a new bottom this winter. She is well loved and sails often.

I hope to get some pictures of Red Ink's Pheonix like return to this world. She had been struck by lightning and burned. As I understand it Chris replaced the entire bow section forward of the cabin.

As for The Princess's repower;
I will certain miss the ease of use. The quiet, vibration less operation. And until this summer the reliability. So why change?
The range mostly, and the decreased efficiency since moving to a buoy. The range has been fine as long as I'm not in too big a hurry. Cruising at around hull speed really eats up the juice. I'm thinking of racing The Princess regularity this summer and many times in light wind that requires motoring to and from the course which is on the other side of the lake and it's kinda tight to get there in time.
Also, my son will be moving to Door County, WI. after he graduates in the spring. (He landed a job as a Design Engineer with Marine Travel Lift) Door County has wonderful sailing grounds on Lake Michigan and I'd like to keep The Princess there part of the year. The diesel will be a more appropriate power plant for the Great Lakes and safer for my son to use on his own.