Pic #1 Motor assembly forward side ready to install
Pic #2 Motor assembly Aft side
Pic #3 Stern tube and cutlass bearing
Pic #4 Ex-outboard well
Pic #5 stern tube, shaft log and lower motor mounts
Pic #1 Motor assembly forward side ready to install
Pic #2 Motor assembly Aft side
Pic #3 Stern tube and cutlass bearing
Pic #4 Ex-outboard well
Pic #5 stern tube, shaft log and lower motor mounts
Pic #1 New aft deck in gel primer
Pic #2&3 routing out gel coat cracks (their endless)
Commander 227
Looks like you are working steady at the mods and making good progress. Are you able to work on it during the day? I would guess the marina business is slow in your part of the world at this time of the year.
The 4 large bolts on the corners of the plate that the motor and controller are mounted to I assume are to bolt the plate into the boat. Did you glass in another piece of deadwood to the bottom of the cockpit floor to bolt the top of the plate to?
I can't wait to hear your final report on how well your setup works.
Yes, exactly, I glassed in a white oak 1 x 3 under the cockpit floor for the top mounts. The 4 long pieces of threaded rod with a nuts and washers on either side of the mounts will give me all the adjustability I will need to align the motor assy. to the shaft.
No, unfortunately the marina business is a lot like farming, the sense of urgency diminishes but theres always a ton to do. I'm only able to give the Princess one or two nights a week. Once I get the body work done I will be handing it off to someone else to paint the decks and freeboard for me, that should speed up progress.
Nice work. Can't wait till you spark her up
It's funny how much work can get done when you're willing to cross a few palms with silver!!!!!! while I was away screwing around in the BVI look what happened to the Princess. The decks were primed with Duratech, sanded out, then painted with Awlgrip. The finish is beautiful and it hasn't even been buffed out yet. The non-skid is Awlgrip course additive.
The freeboard was sanded today and they will prime it tomorrow.
These boats take both and depending on our personalities and our individual talents we vary the degree of one or the other to bring these boats back up into shape. And it is a great deal of fun in the process.
I think you are going to be able to officially remove the POS label and will probably shock some of your sailing buddies the next time they see the Princess.
What color are you painting the topsides?
Nice work, and for only a few pieces of silver? It would appear you are going for the "biggie size" Ensign look!Speaking of the Ensign, could you post some eye candy photos of the Yellow hull Ensign you were repairing, that's a beautiful boat.
Good Luck
Wow! I think you just may set the record for the quickest and most complete refit! I'm really looking forward to hearing how your new power plant works out. Very impressive!
Totoro (Sea Sprite 23 #626)
The Princesses freeboard was primed today. she will be sanded out in the morning and will hopefully be sporting her new topcoat by the afternoon. Then the fun of trying to place the waterline and make straight tapelines. The color? You'll just have to wait and see.
Willbe- Yeah, to me the trick is doing what I can and just bucking up and paying for what I know I can't do well. I know I don't have the patience to paint... I fall into the "Beat it to fit, Paint it to match" category. I'm trying not to think about what I'll have into this boat, but I'm certain it won't be anywhere near the $95,000. they get for an Alerion 28 or even the $42,000. for a new Ensign. I think it will be closer to the $7,200. they are getting for a new Laser.
You're right Carl... Deep down I just want my Commander to be like my beloved Ensign. My Dad bought Ensign #1117 new in 1965 and has sailed and raced the boat every year since. He turns 80 in a few days and he still kicks my butt every Thursday night. All six of us kids learned to sail on Tranquility and developed a love for the sport.
I bought Ensign #1525 over ten years ago and am shocked to only find these few pictures of Serendipity. I love the boat and plan to continue to sail and race her. there are nearly 50 Ensigns here on Lake Minnetonka and they are raced at three different Yacht Clubs on the lake.
My wife and I decided to add the Commander to our little fleet so we could have more creature comforts such as a head, roller furling, inboard motor and stereo for daysailing with guests and our relaxing night sails.
Great pictures,At the speed you complete projects it's ridiculous to ask,but have you completed repairs from the lightning strike?
Yes, that was a few years ago and I got her back in the water the next week. I only missed one race.
The princess was fitted with her party dress last week but the third coat had some minor problems with fisheyes. after the finish had cured enough she was wet sanded and two more coats were applied. My painter recommended not buffing her out for a month to allow the Awlgrip to harden up. I will let the finish harden up until the weekend then try to sight in the waterline and have it painted. Bob and Tim did a great job with the decks and the freeboard, it really looks good!!!(the pictures don't do it justice)