I could deal with that. 'Don't know why 113 was blessed with such butt-ugly work. It seems to me that an occational puddle of water on the side decks would be a small annoyance compared to four more holes in the hull and deck! Especially since the port scupper leaks and if you didin't happen to notice the photos I posted they're located far enough forward to involve the core. That wicked, wicked scupper! Anyways they gotta go. We'll move them aft to where the water actually sits and probably drain them into the cockpit drain below. We thought about draining them into the outboard well but I don't like the angle or the idea of that much hose running through the lockers. Something glassed to the inside of the hull would be nice. Thanks for posting the 'bussiness end', it's both eye candy and food for thought I assumed that everybody had hoses.