Randy the service manager at Torresen popped and scraped a couple spots and had no blister worries - no fluid or stink emitted. I didn't lead him at all, just asked "what's the problem and what's the resolution?" He suggested sanding down those areas, repainting and checking again in the fall at haulout. He couldn't see my relieved grin over the phone but I let him know that he was the "Good News Man" of the day. I'm consulting Don Casey for the best approach.

I will take a couple detail pix today per some of your questions above. I am curious about how (if) the genoa track has backing or if it just attached to the toe rail.

Scott, funny you should ask, but I am such a newbie that I'm not embarassed to say... I was reading BoatWorks mag last night and an article about seacocks and the thought occurred, "Uh, does this boat have seacocks???" (I probably had a head-cocked-sideways look on my face like a confused dog...) Haven't the foggiest idea where, but on the advice of the author -"Know where your seacocks are and be able to find them and assure closure in the dark and possibly with your hands underwater."

Good thoughts to occur *b e f o r e* splashing! I think I read of Geoff having that realization at one point, but it didn't click upon reading that time.

Will be addressing my dearth of knowledge bits at a time over a long while... I appreciate your collective patience with this process.