View Full Version : See the Colors-Kirby Paints- Tried Em'????

Jim Rester
03-08-2005, 03:45 PM
Kirby Paints has a great color selection in "Marine Paints" including some "Vintage" colors. They will mail a color chart to you upon request.

Has anyone had any experience with Kirby?

Or any other supplier other than Interlux/International or Awlgrip

Standing by for your response - roller in hand!



Mike Goodwin
03-08-2005, 04:45 PM
In the last 2 years I applied about 40 gallons of various Kirby paints, from red lead to the black topsides on the Schooner Va.
Good stuff , but I like Brightsides just as well or better in some apps.

01-17-2006, 06:39 PM
An FYI: I surfed to their web site, Kirby Paints (http://kirbypaint.com/) and filled out the request for a color chart. Less than a week later, they sent me a hand written letter with the color chart that said "We also custom match colors at no charge. Just call the shop if you have need of this service... We look forward to serving you." Family owned and operated since 1846.

When I'm ready to paint my top sides and deck, I'll be on the phone to these folks. Nice to do business with real folks this day and age.

01-18-2006, 07:19 AM
I guess Kirby's Paint is ..... paint - enamel.
Remember Z-spar paints had an addictive smelling solvent you had to adjust yor pot with just about every time your dipped the brush. Z-spar chalked nicely over time, making it easy to recoat.

What's Kirby's like for application?
What's it like for maintenance?

Interlux Brightsides is a roll & tip one part urethane.
Never used it. But if you are used to brushing out a color this stuff is another kettle.
My guess is you also have to apply it over a 2-part epoixy primer.
If you have to do that -
and you probably should seal the porus ancient gelcoat over the whole deck anyway -
you probably should should do this under Kirby's.
This is where an epoxy "high-build sanding primer" is very gratifying. But $$$!

If you are going to take the time to prep the boat for shiney paint, you might as well seal it.

That said, any food back?