Senior Ebb, don't do it! That's what the topping lift is for! You need that sail area! Just thought i'd chime in here....
And my outhaul doesn't get used much either, but i'm not loose footed. Mine runs inside from the aft end to forward near gooseneck, then exits to a jam cleat.

My question now is how is the gooseneck end supposed to be held down? Mine kinda free floats in that area, with a little tit thingy sitcking out below it on the track. Maybe i can get some pictures next time i get to the boat. I have a piece of line ran down to an eye at the base of the mast for now. Must be a more technical method....

can you stain epoxy? I had a big hole in a coaming that i filled, but it's pretty light. Just wondering how to make it blend in a little better before i get going with the epifanie's....

Also got my new working jib today from Sail Exchange. It's a Doyle... looks great...haven't tried it out yet. $295. I think he has a couple more.

My .02 for today...