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Thread: Njord Commander Hull 105

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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    San Rafael, CA
    Nice choices. Boat looks Great!

    Winter storms bringing any trees down?

    Once made a sinuous pattern of a tiller out of doorskin, one I considered ideal, and one I wasn't going to find at the marine 7/11. Just happened that a convenient honey locust came down in one of the first storms that year - befor the branches got whacked went around laying the pattern on limbs until, magically, there it was: the tiller still in the limb. Cut it roughly flat and square section on a band saw to air it out a bit. If it's already got the shape and you haven"t straightened it out too much it won't change that much either as you whittle on it as it dries.

    What can beat a grown tiller of Ash or Cherry, Walnut, or any of the nut or fruit woods. Osage Orange. Elm, Black Locust, Etc. Ended up with square to the tiller head, then eight sides ending in points to the long rounded 'S' curved shaft in an exceptional gratifying taper to a carved knob at the end.

    Considering the symbolic ramifications here of making your own personal boat handle and looking forward to the times spent grabbing it. why would a sensible skipper accept an imatation lamination?

    Besides, don't you need a tiller that in the down position misses the knees there sitting in the cockpit? Is this not so? So that unfair forces are not put on the tiller to tiller head connection like when you steer with the almost straight one? There have been posts on this subject.
    Last edited by ebb; 11-02-2004 at 05:34 AM.

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