
Thank you for all of your thoughts on this topic. I like the idea of locating the manual pump in the aft end of the cockpit, both because of the possibility of running the line up from the bilge next to the tiller post into the cockpit locker and because that makes the pump accessible to me where I usually sit when single handing if I need to close to the tiller, as in sailing on a broad reach or downwind. So it would seem like a good place to be able to pump and steer. Also your recommedations on the electric pump are helpful.

I do have three remaining questions for you before I start the installation fo rmy Whale manual pump, if you would be so kind:

1. You refer to one and a half inch bilge pump lines. What sort of fitting did you use to get a watertight seal as the one and a half inch line goes through the lazarette bulkhead? I have a fitting for a one-inch line, but can't find one for a one and a half inch line.

2. My Whale urchin installation instructions are brief. Did you cut a three-inch hole in the cockpit wall for your pump? How did you seal the pump, and does it leak?

3. My pump has mounting holes on the side that will face the cockpit wall and on the side that will be the bottom. Did you just hang your pump from the cockpit wall, or did you also provide a little shelf for it to sit upon for added security and to protect it from shifting things in the cockpit. I assume that the aft cockpit lid scupper provides a fair amount of protection in that location anyway.

By the way, when I referred to space, I was referring to space in the lazarette locker, primarily because I store my OB Motor there horizontally in beteeen sails. I lift it with a Garhauer lifting davit, flush it with fresh water, and then store it horizontally. At present its head lies snugly up against the thru hull for the existing bilge pump on the port side, and its lower end just slides in next to the six-gallon plastic gas can on the starboard side. If I do want to run another line to a new thru hull through the transom rather than into the well, it will get a bit crowded in there with the motor in storage mode.