I see your point of view. Keeping a log of ressurected bits is unique in itself and honors the fallen. I'll do the same.

This is, afterall, the age of recycling. Most of the boat stuff is dragged over to a marine flea market - income for the scavenger, and the lucky buyer gets a treasure.

It is just that one moment the boat was a possibility and the next just a carcass. Little 338 sits there in that yard anxiously waiting for me. The harbor master is a dangerous man. Miss my rent and 338 would be rubble, quick as flicking a switch.

November/December, the end of the year, brings the cold. It brings the rain. The hills are green once more. It's renewal time, of breathing in again. Solstice is an inevitable planetary switch. Sometimes it seems there is too much death around, far too easy. And the passing of all boats and all of us inevitable.

But the jam cleats will live on.

It is interesting to hear that the Catalina had a factory installed ToothPick holder, in teak too. All us scavengers should keep a supply of toothpicks!