looking great! your craftsmanship is a continual inspiration. I have many questions, however today I have two, maybe three, as they coincide with my own rebuild on A97.

1. how have you calibrated the shaft alignment athwartship? Since i deleted any existence of the previous engine mount i have little to align against. The only thing is the cockpit bulkhead, a theoretical perpendicular, however the shaft does not actually exit the boat parallel to the centerline. Or does it?

2. three blade prop for electric conversion? for regenerative efficiency? what is the spec? I was thinking of an Atomic4 prop (http://www.atomic4.com/propeller.html) seemed like a reasonable price for a three bladed prop that would fit our aperture.

and unrelated.

3. I sent an PM about your masthead setup. would your fabricator be interested in making another? I ask, as it might be quicker and easier than trying to get my busy fabricator to sit down and make it happen.

ok, one more!

4. I have spent days trying to get the Pearson Ariel cast aluminum mast base out of the bottom of the extrusion to no avail... the PO had snapped the screws (x4) off years ago so its on there. Ive heated, smacked, chisled, used penetrants... but there is just no 'purchase' to pry or lever the base cap off, any suggestions?