Well it's getting to be that time of year again. I stole away for a few hours at the shop today and actually did something. We found an electric heater this last weekend on sale for a few peanuts, a couple of furs and a flint so I bit. It's only a 5kW unit so it's not going to beat back the ravages of winter but it will take the edge off once the days start getting a little warmer. Honestly, it's an over glorified hair dryer, but, it's as realistic as one can get for the task. I mean-there is only so much you can do to stave off sub-zero temperatures aside from dumping a grand into a heating system. And that is something I will not do.

So, armed with the new heat, new workshop and four layers of clothing-(R.I.P. nude honky workshop) I set forth to organize this cuby into a workspace. First up is a miter saw station and router table combo. I know a lot of people like to mount their router in a table saw wing but I see a lot of long pieces needing shaping in my future so it seemed to make more sense to drop it into the miter saw bench. I'm striving to keep things simple here but I need everything and a good deal of time and money have to go into outfitting a modest shop. Everything. Tables, ladders, etc., etc.. Even with heat it's still way too cold to glue anything so I can only get so far for now. I'm hoping to get things organized and in working order so I can get a jump on boat work this year. This year's goal is 'hands-on' before mid-April. I promise we'll post some pictures as things come together. The new camera is worth more than I am right now and I don't think I can be responsible for it's safe keeping with all the hub-bub going on at the shop as I'm way out of practice.
