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Thread: Fruits Of My Labor (A-113)

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Northern MN

    Day 3,410: I feel like I've been here before...

    I got serious about this tonight after work. Busted out the 4 1/2" grinder to cut the tabbing that was holding the furniture in. Even with a full face respirator on I could smell the acrid smoke and fumes of the heated epoxy-yuck! I can honestly say polyester grinds more flavourful. Before I proceed with anymore grinding we will replace the carbon cartidges.

    It was good to open up the area to help visualize the changes we're goin to make there. I was hoping to use several of the transverse bulkheads tabbed in from the recent previous furniture but it doesn't look as promising tonight as it did last night. But, armed with confidence a complete denuding of the forecabin isn't quite as daunting as it was several years ago. It certainly doesn't wear on me like the nagging feeling of knowing that the space is just 'not right' in more ways than I can really explain.

    The pieces left in place will serve as references or landmarks to help lay-out the patterns for the new configuration. At least until they are also removed. Yes, I said patterns. Full sized and accurate! Hopefully this will help eliminate, or at least reduce, wasted time and materials. And speaking of materials. I'm thinking about using some 1/4" and 3/8" plywood this time around to spare some unneccesary material weight. Let's face it, it doesn't all have to be 1/2" and 3/4". The weight of the pieces I hauled off tonight was a bit worrysome to me in the past. Certainly when you consider there was still more cabinetry to go in!

    I'll gas up the camera tomorrow and try to remember to snap a few pics.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Pensacola, FL
    Quote Originally Posted by Tony G View Post
    ....Before I proceed with anymore grinding we will replace the carbon cartidges. .....
    Please do Tony... please do.

    s/v 'Faith'

    1964 Ariel #226
    Link to our travels on Sailfar.net

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Excelsior, Minnesota
    Tony...Dude...I'm just in from a sail with an good friend who brought entirely too much Surly beer, so try to read this through the same beer goggles I'm wearing. (Good thing The Princess is moored with in walking distance!)
    So...Tony... Dude...I'm not say'in, I'm just say'in...you need a plan, you need to prioritize and then let er buck! Come to terms, compromise, what do you need vs. what do you want.
    I know... I feel the Caribbean's pull and I know its pulling you harder! You have to finish her so you can work on all the other B.S. you need to wrap up thats keeping you from going! You've got a great boat, cool innovations. You can keep innovating or live with the flaws. Is the goal to build a really cool boat, or to take a really cool trip? Both are valid goals, but one might keep you from the other.
    You need to make your escape from these latitudes so I know it can be done and follow you!
    I need you to make it! I have resources, what can I do to help?
    Quote of the day; "buy the ticket, take the ride," Hunter Thomas.
    Living vicariously through what I imagine are your dreams,

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Northern MN
    Quote Originally Posted by c_amos View Post
    Please do Tony... please do.
    Absolutely, Craig. I was shocked at how potent the fumes were in an instant. I vacated the boat in search of the mighty box fan and popped it prostrate on the forward hatch blowing down-and on high! These are last years cartridges and there is such a paultry amount of carbon in them to begin with. I worked as a printer through my extended college years so I'm tired of chemical stink and hope to be done with it for good.

    Mike! Surly beer and a sail in April? In Minnesota no less!?!? I live vicariously through you, my friend!

    It's a brand new plan with the same goal. We are switching from a floating, weekend camper to a boat you could live aboard for extended periods if, heaven forbid, we had to! nyuk nyuk nyuk. Given your height you surely know what it's like to semi-sleep in some sort of twisted, half-crazed fetal position. Too many nights like that would ruin the best of sailing grounds. We got a sound grasp on what we need. The 'wants' as far as amenities will just have to fall by the wayside if they don't fit in with little effort. Again these are small boats and I just need to be honest with myself about what is important and what is silly, mindless, consumerism. You are right. The destination will make the trip that much more rewarding.

    I truely appreciate your offer. Thank you.
    Last edited by Tony G; 05-16-2010 at 10:52 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    San Rafael, CA


    There was this famous swim coach who for many years taught hundreds of kids how to win at the sport.

    One day a happy group threw him into the pool. He drowned.
    He had always been afraid of water and had never learned to swim.

    But I know about the bad side of mentoring too.
    I once did the Justin Sterling Weekend
    I feel we be equals here

    except that maybe I made many more mistakes than most.
    Last edited by ebb; 04-29-2010 at 10:30 AM.

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