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Thread: Fruits Of My Labor (A-113)

  1. #286
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    San Rafael, CA

    raising the boom

    I don't really know.
    It's a pretty small main.

    Also at the same time I asked him to do the geometrics and areas on flying jibs on a three foot bowsprit. That lowers the original stay on the stem to a baby stay position on the mast and moves centers of efforts around.

    If you are interested in seeing the Ariel-as-a-cutter math I'll make a copy and send it to you. The sail plan retains Alberg's original circle-and-crosses.

    Maybe you can make sense of it from a sailor's point of view.

    I would really like to see it CRITQUED.
    (I don't mean necessarily by you unless you want to of course - but by ED or Craig, say, who look at sails a lot.)
    Last edited by ebb; 10-27-2008 at 11:52 AM.

  2. #287
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Scarborough, Maine
    If it's not too much trouble, Ebb, please do. I'm certainly no sail maker or yacht designer, but I'd love to see it. I really like the idea of a cutter rig. Seems like it would make sense for you long-term cruisers, too. You could fly 2 head sails on your downwind legs. (I like the idea of an eventual double headstay for my coastal cruising ambitions too. Or really, a roller furler and an inner stay just aft of the original position that could fly another head sail or a storm jib if needed.)

    It seems like you'd need a mizzen to balance a 3-foot bowsprit. But what would be really cool is your 3-foot bowsprit cutter with a mizzen mast to balance it out. Not sure what that would be called - a cutter-rigged yawl? Or, how about increasing the size of the main to balance the bow sprit and make a gaff rigged cutter?? That'd be soooo cool.

    (Oops! Sorry Tony - back to our regularly scheduled thread.)
    Totoro (Sea Sprite 23 #626)

  3. #288
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    San Rafael, CA
    Don't recall if Mike Goodwin rigged his Ariel as a yawl before he sold her. There was talk and photos here on the Forum.

    There would have to be a boomkin added to the stern. But the idea is intriguing. Being able to tune the rig with smaller sails is good for a cruiser. And in light winds having even more wings and balance would make it that much more fun.

    There's a cost in adding weight to the ends of an Ariel. I've got a beautiful pipe bowsprit ready to be fitted to the fordeck.... but I wonder sometimes if it can be made lighter as a single spruce spar.

    Tony, like Mike I apologize for the sidebar!
    Last edited by ebb; 10-27-2008 at 12:09 PM.

  4. #289
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    San Rafael, CA

    Do it all dodger

    Tony, Mike,
    I didn't respond completely to Mike's remark in post 285 where he says that perhaps the dodger top that extends over the companionway into the cockpit
    can be designed to have three major functions?

    It can be a place for the traveler.
    Tony's original proposal for his dodger which is wide across the top would be ideal for a wide versatile traveler.
    Boom gallows support
    could be built in there also.. While not ideal, the boom could be immobilized well enough for a storm sail to be rigged. Perhaps with a temporary crutch added at the cockpit end.
    And of course the bimini

    Finding the ideal point over the cockpit to terminate the dodger, making it tall enough to make it easy to get in and out below, yet aesthetically pleasing and comfortable to sit under... is the challenge.
    Having a traveler there will mean the dodger edge has to be designed as an arch to take the loads the mainsheet will put on it. The dodger will be structural, not a casual addition.

    But it does seem like a natural.
    Maybe the only real problem is going forward with the main sheets at that elevation over the side deck. It's am arguement to keep the sheets at the aft end of the cockpit.

    I'm wide open to your ideas and solutions. Our dodgers are definitely part of the solution. May be it IS the solution. I'll be watching....and hoping...
    __________________________________________________ _________________________________________
    By the by - You can't have midboom sheeting if you have a loosefoot main.
    Last edited by ebb; 11-06-2008 at 08:01 AM.

  5. #290
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Northern MN
    MG did not get around to rigging a mizzen on his old Ariel. Initially I thought that would be a great addition to the sailing arsenal. That highly coveted mizzen spinaker you know. But once you tack on a grill, some adjustable solar panels, boarding ladder, rod holder, parasail platform(?), well, there just wasn't enough room! A removable inner stay and a short bowsprit for the MPG would probably be complimented by a mizzen for balance. But I'd hurt myself with all those lines and stays!!

    Dodger topics never get old and go away. I personally would over build a dodger/gallows/traveller arch to the extent that if Dream Weaver rolled she'd stay bottoms up! I lack the engineering skills that others here possess. Seriously, because of the cost of a new boom and the fact I live in the middle of the country far, far away from any reputable, economically feasable mfg/shipper plus we already own a brand new Hood loose footed main, our traveller will stay in the aft end of the cockpit. If the whole coaming 'thing' comes off like I envision, having the traveller there really shouldn't be a problem. Think the dodger will come from a Steve Marshall concept with the lines a little closer to a tube framed traditional. UNLESS! Someone can post a picture of a really sharp looking hard dodger on the dodger thread [hint hint]. It aint over yet!
    Last edited by Tony G; 01-07-2010 at 04:15 PM.

  6. #291
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Scarborough, Maine
    Sorry, no hard dodger pics. I'm still stuck on the boom crutch/traveler/wrap around coaming. Maybe these pics are useful for some ideas? (I love catboats.)

    You're on to something here Tony!

    A Com-Pac sun cat, a 23' Menger Catboat, then a 22' Marshall Catboat...
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    Totoro (Sea Sprite 23 #626)

  7. #292
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Northern MN
    They say we dodged the bullet this weekend. Meaning we only got 4-7" of snow, minor blowing and windchill temps around -40F It gets worse!?!

    Nothing like winter weather to get me thinking boats and such. Back to this cockpit grind that I just can't get over...

    IF 26
    Hey, who is that handsome devil?
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    Last edited by Tony G; 01-05-2009 at 05:05 PM.

  8. #293
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Birmingham, Al
    Hey Tony, I'm about to tackle my rotten sole on my Ariel. I've been checking out your great progress. What type of wood did you use on your sole, braces, etc. I like the way you braced up under the sole.

    mike A-233

  9. #294
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Northern MN

    The braces were made of white oak and the decking for the sole is 3/4" baltic birch. In hind site, 1/2" baltic birch would have been more than adequate considering there is still a 3/16" solid lay up to go on top of the sole for a finished surface. The braces were attached to the hull with 3M 5200 and the sub-sole(?) was attached to the braces with the same. Of course the whole thing gets tabbed in on the top surface. Everything got two to three coats of epoxy depending on where it resides. Thanks for the kind words and if you have any questions feel free to pm me.

    P.s. Man, am I chomping at the bit to get started again!!!
    .................................................. ..........................................
    If you can access Good Old Boat Sep/Oct or Jul/Aug there is an article that I stole the support idea from...
    Last edited by Tony G; 02-04-2009 at 10:49 AM.

  10. #295
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Birmingham, Al
    Thanks Tony, I'll be letting you know how the progress is going!
    mike A-233

  11. #296
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Northern MN
    Just when I thought I'd focus on more 'important' jobs or bigger aspects of this get-to-sea project I ran across this while perusing some of my usual boat-porn sites. Now I'm all hot and bothered to make new moulds and cut more holes in Dream Weaver. Sure hope the economy bottoms out/levels out starts doing something so I can sell some parts, buy some other parts, and get this show in the road!!!
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  12. #297
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Grand Haven / Muskegon, Michigan
    HA! "boat-porn"

    I can relate. I think there's treatment out there for this addiction.

  13. #298
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Northern MN
    I don't understand, Kyle. You say that like it's a bad thing.

  14. #299
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Northern MN

    In the good old days

    This is way out of sequence but I ran across this pic that brought me back...This was taken by my dad the morning we picked-up the little gal. Ahh the fond memories.
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    Last edited by Tony G; 01-07-2010 at 04:19 PM.

  15. #300
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Northern Calif
    A gem in any form Tony
    1965 Ariel #331


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