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Thread: Commander #65 "Lucky Dawg"

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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Grand Haven / Muskegon, Michigan

    family reunion?

    Tried again today to sail LD south to Grand Haven for storage. Terrific sail, but big waves from WSW made for an exhilarating sail into and away from them, but notsomuch headed south with biggun's from abeam. Bagged the 12 miles southward for another day. I must say, she's a great little surfer! 37* sailing is better than no sailing.

    Upon my return to Torresen's, by chance, I'm lined up with a couple kissin' cousins, I think. The first is an O'Day Tempest - hump on the lazarette being the give-away. I think the second is a Rhodes, but I'm not sure of the make, and LD is next. A couple nice old gals in a row. Not sure how their genes intermingle, but they certainly seem related.

    Lucky Dawg is one of 4 boats left in the water. If she can't make it south this weekend, after what will be the 5th attempt, I'm taking the hint and keeping her where she is.
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