Thanks Frank:

I read your mail and the manual and went out this morning and drilled a 1/4" hole in the bottom of the keel two inches forward of the rudder shoe. I drew nothing but dry fiberglass. I moved up about three inches from the bottom of the keel and drilled another hole and again drew nothing but dry glass. Am I looking in the wrong place? I was anticipating a gush of water but nothing. Upon closer inspection I also noticed that there are two screws that I am assuming hold the bottom of the rudder shoe in place that have backed out about 1/2 " and have been bent over to a 90 degree angle. Water seems to be dripping from those two screws. Would it be wise to remove those two screws and allow the water to flow from there? I will have to eventually replace those screws anyway as they are damaged. What advice might you have from here?