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Thread: A-50 Revival

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Pembroke Ontario Canada
    This is 'all dressed up' after just being launched
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Pembroke Ontario Canada
    It's very 'busy' under the sink.The bilge pump has a Y-valve at back-right to divert from shower sump or bilge sump
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Pembroke Ontario Canada
    Some of the nicest moments cruising are sunrises! An early start to the day and you get rewarded by scenes like this one.....leaving West Palm Beach to go out into the gulfstream
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Pembroke Ontario Canada

    Wink your turn now

    That pretty well does it for pics.When I joined this group I had a vision of a simple great sailing lil boat that would be near perfect for the Bahamas and for winter exploring.I hoped at that time to build a better icebox,an inside shower,a nice dble bunk and have a few improved 'simple systems'.I think overall it was a great success.The water tank and bridge deck fill location worked out great.I felt safer with proper seacocks while offshore,knowing I could 'turn off the hole' if need be.I used the inside shower lots.The lil sump worked great and the 'garden type' pump sprayer was easy on water.The mahogany strong back supports worked AND looked good.I HIGHLY recommend a good dodger to anyone cruising...be it foul weather...too much sun,wind or rain...they are there.I did make up a swing out chart plotter if anyone is interested.I ended up using charts/gps ...guess I like looking at charts more than a dam 5in screen.I could post the plotter pics if there is interest.The sunshade was great also.Not too big when stored and simple to use(no frame)A good icebox really helps,although I tried to be less dependant on ice this trip.I LOVED the deep bige...those lil glued in deviders really helped and again.. 'SIMPLE'.We used a butane stove lots for the 1st time.No complaints and inexpensive to boot!! This was my 1st time working in 'boat renos'...WOW...as one fellow put it..."terribly unproductive". I did however love the challenges.The best part was sittin there and simply dreaming up ideas.It is easy to get creative in problemsolving with a boat.My advice ...for whats its worth coming from a 'newbie'... is.. it will take 3 times as long and cost 3-4times as much as ya think...focus on one task at a time,then ya at least feel like there is always something getting done...and the biggy...allow yourself time to 'sit' in the center of it all during the work and day dream..thats when you'l get inspired to an idea. I love 'Revival'...truely a fine sailing craft.Still can't believe the speed on any kind of a reach!! They love wind ! I was never uncomfortable nor did I ever feel 'unsafe'...even 35kn miles out in 10+fters.The shallow draft is a true bonus,both in the Keys and Bahamas.Most of all...I have never taken so many pictures of a boat at anchor.They are beautiful !! Thanks to Carl for both their sailing ability and dam fine lines !! I am dissapointed in myself that I didn't get one of her under sail.I could have had Judy in the dingy and did a few 'sail pasts'...oh well. Finally...an observation on this site and the group as a whole. I am a relatively new guy yet have had over 7600 hits ( Bill lost 31?? in a transfer) There is an obvious thirst among all for inspiration . I admit to stealing and modifying most of my reno ideas.More people should post their ideas....maybe even more should follow through with them. Since I came back in late march and started posting cruise pics...WOW...approx 3000 hits in a month. We all (mostly all) dream of exploring by boat.It is obvious that MANY out there want to take off for a little farther distance or a longer time by the number of hits.....GO !!!! As I've said...I am NOT a great sailor!! Nor a great boat restorer.What I have just done both to and with the boat was not difficult nor skilled. I just love boats and love cruising.I hope as I check in that there will be an ever increasing amount of you posting pics of your most recent 'crossing' or newest adventure and anchorage.They make dam fine cruising boats !!! Take them farther !! To all who have looked at the pics and got some what 'inspired'...I say ..it's your turn now!! I will be watching. Hope ya all have a great sailing/cruising/racing season. Frank #50 Revival PS Thanks to Bill for 'putting up with me' and running THEE best owners site (by FAR) on the web !!!
    Last edited by frank durant; 05-05-2006 at 05:00 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    San Rafael, CA
    Somewhere somehow someday Frank we'll meet up out there.
    some port some marketplace some joint. This has been a pleasure,
    thanks for Arieling, for sharing Revival with us.
    Here's salt in yor eye.
    Here's a little salt in ours,
    Here's to you and Judy!
    "Catch the tradewinds in your sails," Skoal

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Pembroke Ontario Canada
    Ebb....nothing would make me happier....a 2nd rate 'tiki hut bar' with a great view...a margorita and a debate over Thoreau's thoughts... yep , it wouldn't get any better !

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Orinda, California


    Quote Originally Posted by frank durant
    PS Thanks to Bill for 'putting up with me' and running THEE best owners site (by FAR) on the web !!!
    Frank, thanks, but we could not do it without this great crew of posting skippers! You can take pride in being a great motivator for those who are planning to go cruising someday -- after they have prepared their yachts.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Pembroke Ontario Canada
    Was going thru holiday pics and thought these worthy of posting.The 'swing arm' was thrown together quickly , but the idea worked and is worthy of more care to do a better job with. The lil plotter is a CP150....uses C-MAP and they have huge erea capability.
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  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Pembroke Ontario Canada
    Plotter out
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