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Thread: New Generation Anchor

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  1. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    San Rafael, CA
    Anybody interested in looping this discussion might go to google

    Beugel anchor - SSCA Discussion Board

    where you will meet Craig Smith again, he gets around.
    Maybe Peter Smith is his father or mother?
    But also enjoy this similar kind of search for the mythical all purpose anchor - along with opinions and prejudices and diatribes from the salts of the sea.

    Generally have no problem with the maker of a new product promoting an anchor on a board (but has to introduce himself as such), he takes flack for his hype from the old generation anchor lovers and maybe another competitors and wags as well! So the feedback is important.

    But EVERYBODY makes unsubstantiated and hearsay statements about other unrepresented anchors. It's a chore to come up with a concensus wading thru these 4 SSCA packed pages. And most of these guys have much larger boats and ground tackle and egos then me.

    Will no doubt have sumthing to say again when the Supreme I ordered arrives.
    In the meantime, the newly published Practical Sailor's (Feb 2006) mud test seems even more peculiar and useless to me than it did yesterday. It's an OK test if you are planning to cruise soft mud marinas slated for redevelopment.

    "Numquam ponenda est pluritas sine necessitate."
    Known as Occam's Anchor. the Latin translates:
    "Multiples should never be used if not necessary."

    IE, continue searching for that one simple and perfect anchor!

    Curious that BOWER is not used by anyone for an anchor carried on the BOW.
    Nor is the term SHEET anchor used for the main or largest anchor aboard.
    Last edited by ebb; 02-20-2006 at 11:28 AM.

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