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Thread: Interior drawings via GIMP

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  1. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Winyah Bay, SC
    And this is as far as I got - far enough for me.

    I'll be happy to answer any questions or give anyone help who wants to try this sort of thing. I'm no guru, but am getting better at it.

    Also, here's some of the thinking going on behind what I have designed so far.

    Raising the settee berths about 6-8" (to v-berth level) will bring them up above the design waterline by a bit. I can then make separate watertight locker spaces into/under them, which would be sealable - handy in case of (heaven forbid) a hull breach at sea. I've measured this in an Ariel, and that much of a raise allows one to see out of the deadlights while seated, but still with plenty of headroom, and not too big of a stretch to the sole (I'm 5' 9").

    The kinda-funky-looking "doors" on the cabinetry is actually a shelving material made with wood slats. The stuff is pre-assembled, can be bought finished or unfinished, in varying widths (7" to 20") and lengths (12" to 48"). I like the idea of using it instead of solid wood or caned doors becuase it allows a lot of ventilation, and allows viewing of the objects within a storage space without having to open the door. Heck, I can rationalize that it might save some weight, too (but I doubt it ).

    The strbd side cabinet has space under it because I will have storage down to bunk level in the area of the current icebox, and so need to extend that berth a bit for legroom when lying down. On the port side, I left the space under open in case I need to stow things longer than the berth ahead (oars, whisker pole, etc...).

    I'm not positive that this is where I am going to go, design-wise, but it is nice to see what I have been thinking about doing. Obviously there are some engineering issues that would need to be addressed making an interior like this - primarily the strongback/bulkhead and it's reinforcement as regards the mast. Also, I do plan to move chainplates to the outside of the hull, a la Geoff's Aussie Wonder. That borders on Heresy to some of y'all I know, but the benefits outweigh the drawbacks, in my opinion of course.
    Last edited by CapnK; 02-23-2005 at 08:46 AM.

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