Hello guys,

it's been a long time since I last posted. I got my "Stretch Ariel" (Alberg 35) about seven years ago and initially was still participating here since I consider my boat just a longer version of the Ariel/Commander I started my sailing life with.
Anyways, I never found as good a home with the Alberg 35 owners - they are not active at all. Sometimes there's no messages in that group for months!
So, I'm back here with you guys, I hope you accept me still. I'm currently on a cruise from Chicago to the South - hopefully the Caribbean at some point. Since I'm still working my job I did the cruise in phases:
1. Chicago to Port Huron
2. Port Huron to Buffalo and on to the Hudson river

The 3rd phase starts soon, in which I plan to go down the Hudson, along the NJ coast to Cape May, up the Delaware and through the canal, and finally down the Chesapeake.

In case you guys want to see some pictures, here's the link to my blog.


If anyone of the association is along that route, please let me know where you are and I keep an eye out for you.

Stephan (Stretch Ariel #45)