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Thread: Cutter rig

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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    San Rafael, CA

    Scutter rig

    There is a related thread called ARIEL SCUTTER ref Admeasure/Tonnage in the archives here
    - which may be useful for this discussion. Sorry for repeats.

    Richard Moot's Triton cutter conversion no longer comes up on the Pearson Triton site.
    (No wonder, it is powered by Yahoo... Geocities has been axed.)

    There is a thread here on this Forum that talks about this subject.
    Inner Forstay
    Maybe you can access it.

    One of the Richard Moot photos of Soubrette #17 showed how a bowsprit can really give a boat some huevos. Boats appears larger,
    seem to alter their button-down conservative appearance,
    makes the boat less pinched and tidy.

    It just looks more smile ....and more capable.
    Last edited by ebb; 12-27-2014 at 09:37 AM.

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