This past weekend I was out past dark and put on the running lights. They came on and in a bit, I noticed that my port light had gone out. I bought new bulbs the next day and when I went to install the bulb, I found I couldn't get a grip on it to turn it in the socket. Just the crown of the bulb was accessible and no matter how I tried I couldn't turn it.

I tried vasoline on the terminals and base. No luck. The socket prevents you from getting any purchase on the bulb.

Has anyone else experienced this problem and if so, what was your solution? I finally gave up. I was afraid I'd break the bulb and cut my fingers in the process.

Also, on my Nissan 6, the screw that stops the engine from turning is completely useless. It's in as tight as it goes, and the engine rotates easily. That's a problem at slow speeds and under sail. Anyone had that problem? What did you do?