Whoever the prior owner was, he sure had an immagination.

I like the Chain locker mod, have been struggling to figure out how to better use this area. I like the shelf others have added, but don't want the added weight up high. That mod might be seen on #226.

The ice box cut down is a good idea too, I don't regret removing mine but that mod might be done in a way to partially achieve two of the goals of the mod (at least in my mind). I wanted to gain interior space (which the shelf he added helps). I would also think that the smaller, re-worked box could be made more weather safe, so that ice box lid would not be the liability that it seemed to me to be.

Kurt and I had discussed his plans to move his batteries fwd EXACTLY like this, just two weeks ago. It seems to me that moving the weight low, and fwd (about where many add lead) is a really good idea.

As for the stowage under the steps, well, #338's original cabin door is doing pretty much the same thing aboard #226 (thanks again Ebb). Using this space just makes too much sense to me.

Personally I would not want to remove the 'furnature' without some kind of replacement, but then as a cruiser, racer, and part time liveaboard I keep entirely too much crap aboard to do without it.

I look forward to seeing this boat come back! Good luck.