Went out Friday to watch the ACWS (America’s Cup World Series) from Maika’i. Brisk wind, sizable chop and an incoming tide made for an interesting combination. And then, there were all those other boats with which to contend! One in particular. A huge, black hulled sailing yacht. The name on the stern was Japanese (English translation), written in a deep red. On top of one of the masts there was a giant banner that read “Oracle Americans Cup.” From all the clues, I deduced this was Larry’s boat. You know, Larry Elison. Without anchoring, she could hold station almost motionless while the rest of us (using our engines) attempt the same thing with only moderate success. I think we floated past Larry’s boat at least three times! Meanwhile, playing “dodge boats,” we found the viewing less than desirable. Didn’t even know Couts hit a committee boat at the start of the fleet racing until later when viewing the races we recorded on the DVR at home.

Two take away’s from the experience: shore viewing and TV coverage both beat on the water viewing. Unless, of course, you have a very large yacht . . .

Sunday’s action will be broadcast live on NBC starting at 11:00 AM here in San Francisco. That should be 2:00 PM for those of you in the Eastern time zone.