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Thread: Rudder/Shaft Wiggle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    New York City

    Rudder/Shaft Wiggle

    Over the Years I've had My Commander I completely rebuilt
    my rudder and have replaced the cockpit sole. The rudder has been on for five years and it
    shows no signs of wear or water intrusion. The cockpit feels like a rock. However, slight
    changes in the position of the lower shaft coupled with a slight change in the height of the
    cockpit sole relative to the rudder tube has created the problem that the bronze rudder tube cap
    when in place above the bearing , only allows about 5/8" of shaft to reveal itself.
    Not alot of shaft to clamp onto. What happens is, is that using some shim stock, I crank
    down on the Rudder head fitting. It will hold for a while (weeks, or a blow) but invariably
    loosens up. The bottom line is that I dont have enough Shaft proud of the tube to get a
    real solid clamp up. The resulting wiggle is not acceptable. I'd like to avoid replacing the lower
    rudder shaft which could be made alittle longer and use the same holes in the rudder as this would involve taking the rudder off. It also seems that because the sole is alittle higher now, that the
    rudder bearing cap touches the sole before it seats on the bearing and tube. I
    might try to cut the cap down so that it might seat lower and therefore reveal more of the

    Does anyone have simular problem or solution?
    Thanks B.
    Commander # 215

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Northern MN
    I haven't had any problem like that and maybe I'm oversimplifying things here but couldn't you trim an inch or so off of the rudder tube that stands through the cockpit sole? As long as the sole isn't moving anywhere you should have a couple of inches to play with.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    New York City
    Hey, Tony G.,
    I thought about that and am still thinking about it, its just hard
    to contemplate cutting off what would be hard to replace in a
    critical spot. As it is, what I'm calling the rudder tube bearing
    cap, the bronze piece that clamps onto the protruding rudder tube,
    with three set screws that the tiller head rests on, bottoms out on the
    sole. If I cut down the cap on the back side this will lower the cap
    and reveal more shaft. Once I cut down the cap ,if I find I still
    don't have enough shaft for a positive clamp up I may do just that. Cut the tube down
    I have about 5/8" of shaft showing now.By cutting the cap ,I think I'll get another
    3/8"- 1/2" so I cant imagine having to cut the rudder tube more than a 1/2".
    I do have another concern and that is from using the tiller when it has been loose,
    basicaly relying on the keyway, I may have worn down the shaft to some degree,
    probably slight but maybe enough to demand more shaft for the required friction
    to develop. I may have exascerbated this with the shimming out that has been
    my remedy , although temporary, to date. If cutting the cap and possibly the tube does not work
    it may be time to consider a new tiller head. If that does'nt work its new shafts for me.
    I really hate that wiggle.
    Cheers B.
    Commander #215

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