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Thread: 2015 hoppe regatta june 27

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Orinda, California

    Post 2015 hoppe regatta june 27

    Saturday, June 217, 2015 is the date for this year's San Francisco Bay's Hoppe Regatta!

    BACKGROUND: The Hoppe Memorial Regatta is a fun race for Ariel and Commander skippers. The principle requirement is that the race be short and fun.

    START: The start - finish line is located off the Corinthian Yacht Club in Raccoon Strait. The race will start at 1300 hours (1:00 PM). (Prepatory signal 1250 hours, warning signal 1255 hours.) The power cruiser SOLSTICE is the committee boat. The start will be announced on channel 71. . (NOTE: course must be completed by 1700 hrs.)

    COURSE: Sail around Angel Island in either direction.

    FINISH: SOLSTICE - where you began.

    JUNE 27, 2015
    Slack 1055 0.00 kts
    Ebb 1332 1.90 kts
    Slack 1628 0.00 kts
    Flood 1916 1.80 kts

    CURRENTS: Be sure to check your tidal charts, they may be important to your strategy. Note too, that currents near Angel Island are 15 to 20 minutes after max at the Golden Gate. An old sailing adage is “hold to the beach.” Also, be aware of the major wind shadow behind Angel Island.

    PROTESTS: No protests will be allowed. Rules of the road apply. First qualified boat to finish wins.

    ALLOWANCES & HANDICAPS: No allowances for BBQ grills, TVs, excessive tools, supplies, cruising gear or overweight crew.

    REGISTRATION: Just let us know if you plan to participate in the Hoppe Regatta. You may E-mail your intention to participate to rphelon (AT) juno (dot) com, or call Bill Phelon (925) 254-8338. No one will be turned away if they don't register, but they might not get a start or a finish if we don't know they are there – after all, the race committee may be busy with cocktails.

    AWARDS GATHERING: The regatta should end early enough to give everyone plenty of time to get to Oakland Yacht Club for the 6:00 PM awards gathering.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Cupertino, CA
    What could be better than a fun day of racing with friends followed by an evening of story telling?! Nemesis and crew will be there!
    Jeff C-151 Nemesis

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Orinda, California
    It was a near perfect day for the Hoppe Regatta. Winds were in the 17 to 20+ range. Tides were light. There was, however, a bit of confusion at the start with NEMESIS restarting after thinking they were over early. They left about two minutes behind their competition, DUST.

    With near ideal weather and tidal conditions, it was only about an hour later, when the competitors were back at the start/finish. Close to record time for the event. Recovering from their late start, NEMESIS crossed the finish line about two minutes ahead of DUST!

    First photo is DUST; second is booth boats (DUST closest to camera); third is the winning boat, NEMESIS.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Orinda, California

    2015 awards

    Following the regatta, the race committee and the crew from NEMESIS, celebrated at the Encinal Yacht Club. The photos show the perpetual and champagne keeper trophies being awarded to the 2015 Hoppe Regatta winners.

    Lady J, a third expected competitor, managed to break a spreader tip two days before the Hoppe. Not enough time for Rob to get things put back together. He’s doubling his commitment to next year’s Hoppe.
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    San Francisco - or Abroad
    Well done Nemesis!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Grand Haven / Muskegon, Michigan
    Quote Originally Posted by Rico View Post
    Well done Nemesis!
    Rico? Where has that dude been??

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    San Francisco - or Abroad
    Hey Kyle!
    I'm Still stuck on the 'Wrong Coast'!
    I've done little Sailing since the move... However - I do have to tell the story of how I ended-up at the helm on 'INTREPID' (the famouns 2-time Americas Cup winning boat) and beat Chris Nicholson (of Volvo Ocean race skippering fame) to the finishline in Newport RI...

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