Touching base, after a hiatus from any major work on the boat... have simply been living with what I've done for the last year or so... and loving it from a 'workability' standpoint.

First, wrapping up the above posts - Crewdog Buffett is getting along fine on 3 legs, for about 1.5 years now. I refer to him as my "3/4's of a dog". Alas, Crewdog Molly departed for far shores earlier last month. She is and will be missed, and was a valued member of ship and crew, doing much over the years to keep the captains morale above water...

WRT Katie Marie - I built what I've been calling a "U-berth". It is athwartships under the companionway, a bit wider (in fore n aft dimension) than the original countertop at present. It extends forward a little bit on each side as well, creating a shallow U-shaped settee area - large enogh for 4 average sized people to sit in close companionship. The legs of this U allow for one to lie along the axis of the boat when underway and heeled a la quarter berth; lee cloths will be available. Will be extending bridgedeck aft/shortening cockpit footwell approx 18", (re)installing aft bulkhead at that point, which will also be rear of the main berth (think "cave") and cabin.

Installed a telescoping stainless ladder (swim ladder from ski boat) at companionway. The bottom of it when in 'ladder mode' is at the forward edge of the berth below. When one goes belowdecks, it 'disappears' by either collapsing and flipping it up next to companionway boards, or tucking it back under bridgedeck at about a 45 degree angle. This has 'created' a lot of available space in the cabin.

With the U-berth being under the companionway, eventually I'll be creating a weather cloth for the area - a removable, quick-attach system of waterproof cloth that will drop from overhead, down around the extended ladder and back up to overhead on the other side, creating a chute of sorts to keep windblown water from being able to land right on the berth when entering/exiting the cabin.

The 'galley' area is just forward of the berth/settee, there will be a 2 burner propane stove/oven to strbd just aft main bulkhead, Engel freezer/fridge to port, along with cabinetry. Thinking really hard on installing a small solid fuel heater like the Tiny Tot. Forward of the main bulkhead will be a head compartment and additional stowage, much along the lines of the CD25D layout.

All in all it is a very open layout that creates a space which seems larger than it is. Had a gal aboard for a week+ this summer, and living in the space with another person was no problem at all. It was much better and more 'user friendly' than the previous year, when/with the main berth being forward... The U-berth/settee arrangement also makes it better when casual company stops by for a toddy or a chat.