Regarding boat age: #370, 52 hulls before Katie, was supposedly a '66 (that's what the title said). 440 boats divided into 5 years makes 88 boats per year. If (and it's a big IF, I know) Pearson made 88 Ariels per year, started at the beginning of 1962, then year 5 (1966-67) would be hulls numbered from 352-440. Sooo - Question answered! (Har! Not hardly!). Well, at least I could say Katie is a '66 model, not be too far off, and that'd make us the same age. Gee, I wonder what day they took her out of the mold? If it was 7/22 of 66, that would be an auspicious and spooky date!!!

Dan - good point about the hook being a genny shredder up there. I do plan to put an anchoring platform (think stubby bowsprit) on Katie, the pulpit mount is a temporary but neccessary solution to anchor stowage (I like having the hook ready to go at a moments notice - being able to do so has saved my bacon at least once ). Once I get a "proper" place to stow the anchor up front, I'll use that pulpit-mounting gadget for my secondary on the stern. Sorry to hear about your "Bad Anchor lesson" - I hadn't considered that possibility, but will keep it in mind. I'll be under sail in a couple of hours from now - Yippee!

Have a good weekend!