Ebb writes:

Only Jamestown is whacky enough to put these best-kept-secret files on sale. Nobody else does or ever has that I recall. It's at least half of what Woodcraft gets for them. These files are unlike any wood file you see at the hardware. Or any file you've held in your hand befor. They are full size, yet slender and light. Mild half round on one side and flat t'other. The teeth are staggered so they don't track on your work and seem to last til they get rusty. You can round over so accurately and smoothly just a touch of paper and it looks like a router did it. I use the #49 without the handle. I would call the #49 'balanced'.....wouldn't surprise me if someone out there can twirl these 49s like a baton around a finger. Bloddy finger!

If you don't know this tool, and you are woodworking or glassing, you are in for a treat. You'll wonder what you did without one. I have a number of these now, but each one I value right next to my baby, my go everywhere Stanley low angle plane, if I were a cat I'ld purr when I see them.

This tool is as elegant as an expensive Japanese saw. But if you get one make sure it is absolutely FLAT. Many times they are bent. Don't know why. Maybe J.D. gets seconds? When I order over the phone I ask them to make sure they take a look and ship perfect ones.