I'm interested if anybody bought the extra long shaft and how their experience was. Orca's 1990 Nissan 8 seems like it has coronary salt disease and is shutting down when you run it hard so I'm thinking of the Tohatsu 6 hp. Whatever my shaft length is now (NS8B1) it definitely has scared me in some serious chop by racing out of the water. I'd be interested in first hand experiences for the 25" and how it fits in the lazarette, if at all. I've kept mine in the water over the years as I end up using it quite a bit in Casco Bay and it seemed like a pain to lift it in and out. Also, I'm at a mooring so fresh water cleaning when you pull it out is not possible and I think that salt build up will happen quicker if your always pulling it out. I arrested the pitting of the case when the tiny donut zinc dies by drilling two holes in the captivation plate and attaching a big zinc I sawn in half. It seems to last more than a season. I'll have to get out to the mooring and measure the shaft if somebody doesn't know which shaft I have based on the model.

Thanks, Ed