Ed: Do I assume properly that you have a Cunningham on your sail to flatten the lufff rather than a downhaul on the boom?

If I understand you correctly, rather than a reef hook, you use one of those lines tied to the reef kringle at the luff to reduce the sail at the luff. Right? If so, is there any reason why the luff reef/kringle could not just be tied to a cleat on the mast rather than to a hook or being led back to the cabin?

Is your system still practical with two sets of reef points, or would there be so many lines that you might feel like you were sailing a clipper ship, or the lines get fouled? How many lines do you now have on the cabin top? As an aside, I have a problem running lines back to the cabin (rather than being on the mast) because the cabin top, just aft of the mast, is where I mount the life raft when cruising.