Hey, Ebb...

For you, specially for you...I have a spare, original, Optimus SeaSwing (Kero). Needs some elbow grease and TLC, but I have yet to see one that couldn't be made work like new with very little effort. I was sort of saving it for...I don't know what, really. Bought it and then ran into a lot of used items from an estate that had an absolutely perfect, NOS one. I wanted to sell it, but Mary vetoed that!

Anyway, I kept this one around figuring I'd clean it up, tweek it out and hawk it off...still as it is. Even has the mounting bracket!
These are terrific little stoves and ROBUST (!)...and I know how you like that!<G>

For some reason I never can get hold of you by e-mail, even when you tell me to...So if you are interested, get hold of me, OK?

( commander280@yahoo.com or maryraindrop@attbi.com )
