Without my tongue in cheek, I can say without exageration, and heartyly:
Congrats on getting the old girl a high-end second!

There have been many times when I wished I be a racer (or a fisherman.) You guys just slap on a coat of vinyl and GO, tweek your new G A A A R H A U E R s, slip on your topsiders, stick your chins out to check the telltales, and breathe in that special pheromone mix of salt, ozone, chicks and glory.....

whilst us poor schleps, who actually work on boats, sweat and cuss in the bowels and bilges, breath dust and fumes of parking lots and cans of can't-be-made-safe petrochemicals. Just to get her into a sailable conditon, again!

What a life! P H R F to you, Buddy....

Bet you don't even feel guilty taking in a Sunday ball game!