km#3 that fine looking trailer is a home made 'jobby'. We live in the Land of 10,000 Lakes but I couldn't find a trailer that was suitable as was or to rebuild. Looked and called around for months but ran out of time so we built one using measurments based off of the craddle she sat on 600 miles away. Gutsy, confident or just plain stupid! Guilty on all three I guess.
The plan was to just back right into the warehouse with inches to spare but what actually happened was...we backed up close enough for allignment then blocked the wheels, unhooked the trailer, flipped the reciever drop on the hitch upside-down, let the air out of the tires and hooked-up again to tuck the stern rail under the door. I knew the cabin top was about two inches lower than the stern rail/push pit and the bow pulpit so that would clear and once we got to the bow pulpit we just flipped the reciever drop right side up and continued back into place. Easy as pie! The original plan was to use some rims that were cut down to a smaller diameter yet large enough to protect the drums. However, it hasn't been cold enough here to keep the ground frozen solid and we would have just dug up our yard bad.

Ebb-permission? On Ebb's photo gallery?