The furler is working fine. My two main concerns are being able to adjust the trim as the clew moves forward and the fact that when the sail is furled the un-reinforced sections of the sail now have to bear the chafe and pressure of the wind. It seems more apparent as I think about this that the best for the health of the sail is to not use the furler as a reefer even though CDI claims you can reduce sail area upto 70% and still maintain a decent shape as long as you have a "padded" luff. There have been times when I have had to take in 1 reef in the main and keep the 135 but sooner or later I will find myself needing to take more in and this is what I am preparing for. I haven't tested her with the 135 completely furled and just 1 reef in the main but on my previous boat, a Pearson Vanguard, the main didn't have much drive and you found yourself being overpowered by the waves themselves.