Beau - I bought one of those, used it in my A-30. It does a good job. Best fuel I've found for it is the just-plain-hardwood compressed sawdust bricks at Tractor Supply, a 6-pack costs $4 ($3 on Sale). Cut each brick in half (I've found a sawzall works best, out on the dock), a 1/2 brick fills the firebox full and burns for 2-2.5 hours leaving almost no ash. I'll put a link below. Not sure if I am going to move it over to Katie, or go with a China knock-off of the Webasto/Espar forced air diesel heater from eBay for $150-175. They burn 1/10 liter per hour, consuming about 1Ah for their fan, and take up less space. Not as nice of an atmosphere as the Cubic though, that's for sure! It's great to stoke up a little fire aboard on a chill winters night, isn't it?