OUT STANDING!!! Truley masterful designing and constrution, Ebb. You are really getting the most out of one of these 'smallish' hulls. Little Gull will be inspiration for a great many DIYers to come. Mark my words and just you wait and see!
The hand rails are a great design with a drip sill incorporated into a very stout and sleek form. Top notch woodwork waiting to go on yet I'd bet.
I, for one, am in LOVE with your diversion from the typical 'hamster home tube' interior when you included some angles and curves. And an easy chair! Man oh man you've got it right on the head. If no one else notices look at all of the space behind the backrest-nearly paralell to the hull. Or the undershot base that gives the feet somewhere else to go if they want. It's a fun journey to go back to page one and follow the progres you've crafted.
The emotions, Ebb, it's a privledge to experience your work and yet you make me feel pretty inadequateWell, keep it coming. I'll just have to toughen up.