Hutch sitting on lazarette hatch . . . to be continued.
Hutch sitting on lazarette hatch . . . to be continued.
Interested spectators. We now move from outside to inside and the conversion of the bilge to a water tank. First, of course, is removal of the original sole plywood.
View looking forward showing old plywood sole to the left, prepped "bilge" center and paper baffle pattern to the right.
#1 First bulkhead installed at end of ballast keel (with original cover of mat & polyester left in place). Bulkhead establishes both the new top of the tank and the sole. [Displayed are Ebb's favorite tools, except for the Makita angle grinder - that's not a favorite.]
#2 View of bilge area under cockpit. Mat & epoxy lines the sump and helps support the end bulkhead. Bulkheads were cut using paperboard patterns.
#1 Bulkheads lined up under a strongback - - not just tabbed in.
#2 Special flange former used to create filets.
Filleting and tabbing complete showing glassed in PVC conduits to drain forward parts of boat.
Interior view of the completed water tank. Tank cover being held to one side.
Cover placed over the water tank forming the base for installing the sole.
Water in the bilge and a house on the afterdeck? What is that guy thinking of?
don't swear, no sexual references,
smile a lot, and it's on the house.
Water tank holds 267# sweet water.
Last edited by ebb; 03-08-2005 at 03:48 PM.
Originally Posted by Bill
A slicker version of the outboard motor well on the Atom website?
Or perhaps a hunker hole when you get in trouble and your cabin area has been taken up by the emergency inflatable flotation system?
Do tell...![]()
Last edited by mbd; 02-13-2005 at 09:25 AM.
(Jim did a nize job on that Taipan!
Hey, I'm no David Blaine, but the motor don't tilt and the bilge don't hold no water!)
Swear you'll like the lid when it's done...
Rather have you swear at it,
rather than ignore it.![]()
Last edited by ebb; 02-13-2005 at 09:32 AM.
Also, I'm still trying to come to grips with the irony of picturing Ebb at a marina pumping water INTO his bilge! Nice idea, BTW, easy to inspect/clean.
Actually, I think he's just trying to one-up the McGregor crowd by making that extra ballast usable. Heck, kick it up a notch use it as a tub!
Last edited by mbd; 02-13-2005 at 09:47 AM.
Multi-use is definitely where it's at. Geoff got me started down the rhumb line with his diesel tank below the cabin deck. I think there'ld be no way the keep the smell in check. 338 has it's gas engine hanging outside. Sweet water for voyaging in a ballast mode seems like a good idea anyway. At one time I thought of putting the batteries down there, but you 'perts would have dressed me down for that. Right?
Deodorized kerosene could be stowed there. How would a cruiser otherwise carry the fuel - in gallon cans? I hadn't got the dip stick made yet when the inspectors arrived to shoot the boat. Planned to fill the tank a gallon at a time and mark the stick accordingly. Check for leaks this way. Of course I thought about an official 'fill' but forgot to put it in. So have to do that and it's easier to proof if the lid is accessable from both sides.
Have looked into kerosene for cruising, we've talked about it on the forum. The belly tank would be a way to carry fuel for stove, heaters and backup lighting. But the smell issue rears its ugly head. Don't know. I committed the tank to Sc80 PVC fittings, not brass like Geoff did. Is PVC ok with fuel oil?
Found a site where a couple of Slovanians are looking for venture capital to swing a diesel ob into the market that doesn't weigh much more than the four stroke. And it would burn biofuel as well. Bet they looking at the middle of the market, be a long time befor a ten horse would drop below 250#!!
I got some nice bronze access plates on sale. (Mariner's Hardware) Wanted 6" but went for the 5 inchers.
5 means that I can't really get my arms in the hole (especially in the shallow end). Sometimes I feel like a motherless child.
From the multi-use stand point - it would be a great place to keep cured olives in brine Or wine.
Last edited by ebb; 02-14-2005 at 04:21 PM.
I sure you filled us in before , but what is up with the 'keyhole' in your transom?
And what is the water tank surfaced with ?