VERY, Very nice looking route. Great day sail... I'd ask to join you, but I am a bit far away... Please take a few pictures so that we can have a look at those waters!

Remember; keep the boat in the water and the water out of the boat...

Make sure you have everything as buttoned-up and ship shape as you can before setting off... The ounce of prevention concept... Do you have a handheld VHF? If not you might borrow one for the trp?

Just for kicks I'd ask the current owner to deliver her for you... - the tone of his answer might indicate the state of things!
If he is forthcoming and a capable sailor I'd ask about the issues that most need attention before you take her away... He might have good insight.

I am looking forward to the weekend myself. We have a good group of people at a very hard to get campsite on Angel Island. We'll be taking the Mephisto Cat and spending the Weekend on a mooring!

See you on the other side!