I guess this isn't strictly an ariel related question but I use the dink to get to the ariel so it's a fairly essential piece of equipment for the ariel.
Last fall my outboard died an untimely death (it's a long, sad story), so I need to replace the out board. I had a Johnson 2.3 (dink is 8' skimmer), which was a little underpowered.
It looks like Johnson/Evinrude has gotten out of the small outboard business, I've never heard anything good about Mercurys. There's a Briggs & Stratton 5hp for $700 which I think is a bit too heavy.
I'm thinking of looking for a used one, maybe in the 3-4hp range. Are there any suggestions for what to look for or where?
There's a website www.smalloutboards.com, does anybody know anything about them?

I guess I've been away for a while--the window says I haven't visited since 2003. I don't totally believe that but the time does seem to fly by.