To raise a old topic...

I got what I thought was a good deal on a 4 stroke , 5 hp Honda...until I remembered this old big of a modification is needed to make this work???

I have a 6hp Mercury in there now. The only thing I have to do is take the trottle handle off before putting it in or take it out of the well. it does not fold.

anyone out using a honda 5hp - 4 stroke?

Originally posted by Bill
Fox makes good sense. Keep it light at the stern of the Ariel/Commander. It also makes it easier to R & R the engine. Less chance of doing damage to yourself

MaiKa'i runs a 5 HP Merc two stroke. Plenty of power for most conditions. An 8 HP Nissan / Yamaha 2 cycle, however, is still pretty light (60 lbs?) and will give you the max appropriate horsepower. Someone figured 8 HP was equivilent to a 160% Genoa.

The Nissan / Yamaha / Merc 5 HP four cycle is still small enough to fit in the engine well. Hondas and other four cycle engines over 4 HP will not fit without a lot of modification to the boat. And, they weigh a ton.