
The game plan is to apply the 4 coats of barrier coat as close together as possible (as soon as the previous coat is cured enough to apply another) and then follow up right away with the Coppercoat. We may be able to apply a coat of Coppercoat and by the time we get all the way around the boat the just applied coat will likely be cured enough at our starting point to follow up immediately with the next and so on.

Where the jack stands are we will paint the barrier coat as close as we can and the Coppercoat will be stepped back at least 6" all the way around. Then once the surface has cured enough to safely relocate the jack stands we will sand the edges of both finishes and do the same process all over again where the jack stands were previously.

As I understand it there are two critical things you need to do. First constantly mix the Coppercoat. The copper settles out very quickly so you have to mix, mix, mix as you apply.

Second you cannot allow the Coppercoat to get wet before it is completely cured. And that is very important.

So that is the pregame lineup we will have to see how the ball game actually goes.