Thank you. I love working with Honduras Mahogany. I also like African mahogany for it's rays, but dislike the stringy grain. Sepele I think is also beautiful. I have a bit of Honduras that I made the fold down bulkhead tables from, but my fiddle rails are a mix of Honduras and African. I have more African in my little work shop than I do of the prized Honduras.

Congratulations on your tried and true family! It seems in today's western culture, couples find it all to easy to dispose of relationships and marriage. You have me beat though, as my better half and I have 18 years and two wonderful teenagers. No grandchildren yet, and hopefully they are a ways off.

I can't even imagine the additional heat and humidty that you endure down South, but like you, I find my tolerance for weather is less now than it was years ago. Favorite time of year is spring and fall, go figure.